The terms and conditions indicated below regulate the conditions of access for events promoted and/or organized by the company SHAREMUSIC ISLANDS, A.I.E hereinafter, the organization and/or SHAREMUSIC!.

The purchase of the ticket represents the acceptance of the following general conditions (hereinafter the “General Conditions”):


The BUYER will be the only one to receive the PDF tickets by email.

1.1. Refund policy:
Once the ticket is purchased, it will not be changed, nor will the amount be refunded, except in the event that the circumstances set out in these General Conditions occur.

Not being able to attend the show or making a mistake when purchasing tickets are not reasons that allow them to be refunded.

The amount of tickets can only be refunded for possible technical or operational incidents.

In any other cases established in current legislation, the organization undertakes to refund the amount of this ticket.

In any of the aforementioned cases, and only when the attending consumer so prefers, after prior agreement with the organization, there will be the possibility of, instead of directly requesting a refund of the ticket amount::

Request a voucher* for the next edition of the Festival;
*Voucher means a ticket for the corresponding edition of the Festival under the same conditions as the one purchased, without any additional cost.

Bad weather conditions, as long as the event can be held normally, will not give the right to a refund of the ticket.

Likewise, the total or partial cancellation of the event due to force majeure will in no case give rise to a refund of the ticket price except in cases where this is legally established.

1.2. Ticket purchase:
The amount of event tickets that the user purchases on digital platforms or at authorized points does not include management costs, this amount being imposed exclusively by each sales channel. These management costs that the sales channels apply to the price of the tickets and charge users directly for their service, in the case of platforms other than SHAREMUSIC! It will not be returned by the organization as said amount is outside of SHAREMUSIC!. In the case of the SHAREMUSIC! sales platform, it will not be returned by the organization as said amount corresponds to a service generated and provided to the user in the acquisition of the ticket and its payment, covering expenses implicit in the purchase. programming, server, payment gateway and customer service in sales service, among others.

Any other additional expenses caused by attendance, such as: accommodation, flights, trains, insurance,… in case of cancellation, cancellation or substantial modification of the event are not covered by the organization.

In the event of cancellation, cancellation or substantial modification of the event, the refund may be made by the organization within a period of fifteen (15) days from the scheduled celebration, except in cases where the application of other legislation is established. Likewise, the organization will establish a specific period of time and a specific operation so that the attendee, in the event of cancellation, cancellation or substantial modification of the event, can request a refund, in accordance with the legislation, except in cases where establishes the application of other legislation. To proceed with the indicated refund, it will be necessary to prove that the user has purchased a ticket for the event, in any of the modalities provided.

Tickets can only be purchased at points of sale expressly authorized by the organization. The organization is not responsible for tickets that have not been purchased at official points of sale.


The organization, as the entity in charge of holding the event, may alter or modify its program when this is necessary for the correct celebration of the event, and especially, when there may be changes in the schedule of the performances, or of the artists; and, in any case, for duly justified reason(s) for reasons unrelated to the event, such as, for example, but not limited to: the cancellation of the performance of some artist(s) by of these unilaterally, the change of day of the performance of one or more artists by the latter unilaterally, due to the manifest impossibility of carrying out the performance of some artist(s) on the scheduled day due to circumstances unrelated to the event; All of this always in accordance with the provisions of current legislation and with respect to consumer and user regulations and, where applicable, in accordance with these general conditions, which will always be interpreted in accordance with the legislation.

In the event that any of the aforementioned assumptions or modifications occur, the organization will make its best efforts and will put all possible means at its disposal to adjust the schedules and carry out the event.

In the event that the Organization alters or modifies the programming in a minority manner, for reasons attributable to a third party, and that do not alter the normal development of the event, or that do not entail a substantial modification to it, the user will not have the right to claim. the refund of the amount paid.


The user undertakes to have the ticket in such a way that it can be read in the electronic validity control of the code printed on it, for the purposes of facilitating and expediting admission and entry to the event venue at the checkpoints. access.

Only the first ticket presented at the venue will be accepted as valid and subsequent access attempts with the same ticket will not be accepted.
The purchaser of the ticket assumes all responsibility in the event that said ticket is presented in duplicate, photocopied or falsified, losing all the rights that it grants to access the venue.

Pursuant to the provisions of Law 17/1997, of July 4, on Public Entertainment and Recreational Activities, the right of admission will be used by the organization as an effective instrument to prevent violence and disruptions to the normal development of the event. , as well as any other situations that could pose a real and serious danger to users attending the event.

The above does not imply that admission to the event is carried out randomly by the organizer, but in those cases that may pose a real and serious danger for the users attending the event and for the celebration itself, while said attitudes or circumstances persist.

The exercise of the right of admission may not entail, in any case, discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other personal or social condition or circumstance of the users of the services. establishments and spaces open to the public, both in relation to the conditions of access and permanence in the establishments and the use and enjoyment of the services provided therein.


The organization of the event may deny access to those people who carry a falsified ticket, reserving the organization the right to take the legal measures mentioned in point 14. A falsified ticket is understood as any document created or modified, in order to pass it off. as true or alter the validity of the original document.

The entrance has different security measures. The organization is not responsible for tickets that have not been purchased at the official points of sale mentioned in these General Conditions.

Every ticket must meet the minimum conditions to be able to pass the access control to the event so that it can be read in the electronic control by validating the code printed on it, as established in the previous paragraph. Any ticket that is amended, torn or shows signs of falsification will authorize the Organizer to deprive its bearer of access to the venue.

Upon accessing the venue, the public may be subject to a search in accordance with current legal provisions, not allowing the entry of objects that may be considered dangerous by the organization or that are prohibited by current regulations:

  • Any object that may cause harm to the physical integrity of attendees, such as sharp or blunt objects, glass objects, bottles, knives or firearms, explosives, pyrotechnic material, laser pointers, sprays, aerosols, selfie sticks, sticks flags, motorcycle helmets,…
  • Any object or element that is considered to be able to disturb, harm or impede the normal development of the activity.
  • Professional cameras, video cameras or recorders, drones.
  • Large suitcases or bags
  • The introduction of alcoholic beverages will not be allowed; weapons or objects that can be used as such; flares or similar; as well as the entry of people who are under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, stimulants or similar substances.

Crutches, canes or similar means are excepted from the previous list, only in the case of people who, due to mobility, must access the premises with said means to be able to move around. As well as aerosols or similar objects necessary by medical prescription. These exceptions must be duly accredited by medical prescription or accreditation to allow access to the enclosure with them. Likewise, it will be essential to carry with you at all times the national identity document or for attendees of non-Spanish nationality documents that prove the identity of their countries of origin (NIE, passport,…).

Re-access is not allowed. If you decide to leave the premises, you will not be able to access it again.

Access to the venue will be allowed up to 60 minutes before the end of the event.

It reserves the right of admission. It is the authority of the organization to allow entry to the venue once the event has started.


The payment method during the event will be the cashless wristband. This bracelet will be provided at the entrance to the venue once the ticket has been validated at no additional cost to the user. In order to order drinks at the bars, order food or buy at the Merchandising store, the user must recharge the wristband with money at the authorized points. The wristband can be recharged with cash or credit card.

You can request the refund of the remaining balance of the cashless wristband from the Wednesday following the celebration of the event for a limited period of 14 calendar days. To do so, you must keep the cashless wristband, as the code will be requested at the time of the refund. There will be no refunds of the remaining balance on the cashless wristband at the venue.

Prior to the event, recharge promotions with promotional credit will be available. In case of purchasing a promotional recharge, the recharge will be linked to the wristband at the venue. In order to link the promo – recharge to the wristband, the customer must present the PDF printed or downloaded to the cell phone.

Promotional recharges with free credit will not be available during the event. The free promotional credit is non-refundable. For technical reasons, the promotional credit is the last to be used. Therefore, the user must spend the entire promotional balance before making the next recharge, or it will be considered as not consumed, even if you have made subsequent recharges.


The attending public recognizes and accepts that the organization holds and is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights, derived, directly or indirectly, from the representations and artistic performances or any others that took place during the celebration of the event, without territorial or temporal limitation, and without any other limitation other than those provided in the current Intellectual Property Law.

Consequently, the capture, fixation or recording of images or sounds without the prior written authorization of the organization is strictly prohibited for publication or dissemination for commercial or advertising purposes. Only the capture of images or recordings is allowed for the exclusive private and personal use of the user.

The attending public acknowledges and accepts that they may appear in images and/or recordings taken by different media for the subsequent dissemination and/or publicity of the event through any means for informational, promotional and/or commercial purposes of the event, and accepts such use. by the organization.

You are informed that these images may only have the status of accessory images, panoramic photographs, general or public interest photographs, and similar, as well as those expressly agreed upon with the user, understood as the interviews carried out with the user and consented to by the user.

The attending public, therefore, authorizes the organization to use and exploit the aforementioned images and/or recordings that may be made only during the celebration of the event and their subsequent dissemination for the purposes indicated in the previous paragraphs.

All of this without prejudice to the possibility for users to exercise the corresponding rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, portability and opposition. For more details, you can consult the section “Data Protection and Processing” of our Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use, as well as our Privacy Policy.


The minimum age to access SHAREMUSIC! events is informed in the ticket purchasing process.

The age to will be considered is the one at the time of the event.


In accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), you are informed that your data will be processed under the responsibility of SHAREMUSIC!. And they can be used to manage your participation in concerts, activities, raffles and any other activity that depends on SHAREMUSIC!. As well as to be informed of issues related to SHAREMUSIC!.

By purchasing the ticket you show your consent for the data provided to be processed by SHAREMUSIC!, without prejudice to the rights that legally assist you as a user (right of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, portability and opposition). For more details, you can consult the “Data Protection and Processing” section of our Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use, as well as our Privacy Policy.


The possession of this ticket does not entitle its holder or third parties to use the same, or its content, for advertising, marketing or promotional purposes (including contests, gifts and/or sweepstakes) associated with the ticket holder or third parties, without the prior consent of SHAREMUSIC! Failure to comply with this point will entitle the organization to exercise those civil, criminal and/or administrative actions that according to law correspond to the advertiser and/or unauthorized user, without prejudice to subsequent claims for general damages caused to SHAREMUSIC!, having to compensate the organizer for all damages that such unauthorized use could cause.


Resale of any tickets is prohibited. All tickets purchased at official SHAREMUSIC! points of sale, purchased by bank card or PayPal, are on a nominative basis, which grants the right to access the event to the purchaser of the ticket as the holder of the ticket, regardless of that the owner’s details are not indicated in the entry itself.

In any case, the original purchaser of the tickets may transfer them to his or her loved ones (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) provided that: 1. the attendant carrying the ticket can prove his or her identity and her personal relationship with the ticket holder. buyer; 2. said transfer is free of charge or through the mere reimbursement of its unincreased price; and 3. that the transfer is made directly without the intervention of intermediaries, resale or second-hand sales pages, etc.

The organization may subject the tickets to an identity check of the bearer, either through barcodes or QR codes or through other means of identification.

Due to the prohibition on resale, all tickets for the event purchased through any resale channel, second-hand, unofficial outlets, etc. are fraudulent. Consequently, in the event that a buyer resells any ticket in an unauthorized manner, all tickets purchased by the buyer will lose all rights associated with them, including access to the event without the right to a refund of the amount paid. by them. The organization of the event may cancel them and put them back on sale.

Additionally, without prejudice to possible civil and/or criminal liabilities and subsequent claims for general damages caused to SHAREMUSIC!, the reseller must indemnify the organization for all damages that such unauthorized resale could cause. cause him.

Given the lucrative purpose of resale, resellers are not protected by the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and submit for any controversy to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the autonomous community where the event takes place.


The venue has an established legal limited capacity that will be clearly indicated. If there are various scenarios, each area will have its own capacity. Once that limit is reached, access to said areas will be cut off, with attendees being notified in advance for this reason. Consequently, the organization will in no case be responsible for the inability of certain attendees to attend certain concerts or events integrated into it.


The Organizer will have complaint forms in the official model established by the autonomous community where the event is held, available to the public during the event in the places provided for by current regulations in case they request them.


Access to the event with food and/or drink is prohibited except in those autonomous communities where current regulations allow it. In the event that the event is held in an autonomous community where the current regulations allow it, access will only be allowed with the appropriate amounts for own consumption, in order to be able to accredit to Health the traceability of all food and drink consumed within the enclosure, as well as the safety of all attendees, being the quantities allowed:

  • 1 snack/sandwich -or similar product- per person.
  • 1 bottle of water/refreshment without alcohol or similar of maximum 50 cl and without cap (no glass, steel, or material that could be dangerous).

There will be different stands inside the venue where a wide variety of drinks and edible food will be available for purchase.

Access to the event with food and/or drink is allowed without limitation for those with food intolerances, diabetes or any disease that requires it.

Water fountains will be available for customers into the venue.

The sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited.


All attempts at fraud, break-ins and/or damage to private property caused directly or indirectly to the organization authorize it to take legal measures, both civil and criminal, that it deems appropriate against the perpetrators.


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